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  • Lukanu Ngwala Philippe, Izale Kwazimi Bibiche, Kanku Kalukusa Patrick, Balanda Musoko Freddy, Kalonji Ntumba Albert, Minuku Felix, Ngoma Miezi Kintaudi Leon, Ogunbanjo Gboyega Adebola. Evaluation of Adherence to Anti-Retroviral Treatment: Experience of SANRU, DRC. Central African Journal of Public Health. Vol. 4, No. 5, 2018, pp. 131-136.


  • Benilde Bepouka Izizag, Hippolyte Situakibanza, Florian Kiazayawoko, Aliocha Nkodila, Eric Mafuta, Philippe Lukanu, Henry  Mukumbi,   Murielle   Longokolo, Madone   Mandina, Nadine Mayasi,   Amede   Kinuka,   Evelyne   Amaela, Willy Kazadi, Marcel Mbula.Déterminants de la non-observance au traitement antirétroviral chez l’adulte à Kinshasa. Pan African Medical Journal. 2020;37(157).
  • Bafende AE, Lukanu NP, Numbi AN (2002) Buruli ulcer in an AIDS patient. S Afr Med J 92: 437.


  • Phanzu DM, Suykerbuyk P, Imposo DBB, Lukanu PN, Minuku J-BM, Lehman LF, et al. (2011) Effect of a Control Project on Clinical Profiles and Outcomes in Buruli Ulcer: A Before/After Study in Bas-Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 5(12): e1402.


  • Mavinga Phanzu D, Suykerbuyk P, Saunderson P, Ngwala Lukanu P, Masamba Minuku J-B, Imposo DBB, et al. (2013) Burden of Mycobacterium ulcerans Disease (Buruli Ulcer) and the Underreporting Ratio in the Territory of Songololo, Democratic Republic of Congo. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 7(12): e2563.
  • Lukanu NP, Ngoma N.K, Musiti JR, Kanku K.P, Kalonji A, Kintaudi NM. Community-based organization involvement in PMTCT. A pilot study in nine health zones in Kongo Central province, Democratic Republic of Congo. Great lakes medical journal, Vol 7, N°3, September 2016
  • Fina-Lubaki J-P, Mudji E’kitiak J, Lukanu Ngwala P. Primary healthcare training in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Afr J Prm Health Care Fam Med. 2024;16(1), a4508.
  • Nzapfurundi Chabikuli, Phillipe Ngwala Lukanu. Impact of contraception use among women seeking tubal ligation in the rural Democratic Republic of the Congo. SAJOG, March 2007, Vol. 13, No. 1


  • Mfungwa Kibala J.A, Lukanu Ngwala Philippe, Fina Lubaki Jean Pierre, Ngoma Miezi Kintaudi Leon, Deidre Pretorius, Mampunza ma Miezi Samuel. Dépression au sein des patients consultant pour désir de conception a l’hôpital évangélique CBCO VANGA. RMGL vol 8 No 1, Mars 2017


  • Mudji E.J, Masada N.M, Fina LJP, Mgoma M.K, Lukanu N.P. Connaissance, attitudes et pratiques des méthodes contraceptives modernes chez les adolescentes scolarisées(cas de l’aire de sante de Vanga dans la province du Kwilu en RD Congo. RMGL vol 8 No 3, Septembre 2017


  • Likongo Botawaosenge Ted, Nkodila Natuhoyila Aliocha, Lukanu Ngwala Philippe, Matondo Batumanitu Joel, Mbungu Mwimba Roger. Determinants of Delay in First Prenatal Consultation at Hospital Environment in Kimpese Health Zone in Democratic Republic of Congo: Cross-sectional Study. Journal of Health and Environmental Research. Vol. 6, No. 3, 2020, pp. 98-103.


  • Matondo, G.R., Mahoya, L., Kiangebeni, J., Nkodila, A., Kin-taudi, N.M., Minuku, F.K., Ntumba, K.A.and Lukanu, N.P. (2021) Purchase of Contraceptive Methods in Kongo Central Province, the Democratic Republic of Congo: Data from the Lelo Family Planning Mini-Campaign Survey. Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 11, 553-562.


  • Roger, M.L.G, Philippe, L.N, Kintaudi, N.M, Felix, M.K.,Albert, K.N, Adrien, N.K, Jim, M.N. and Mangondo, L.M. (2023) Family Planning: Choosing Contraceptive Methods in Kongo Central Province, the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 13, 372-382.


  • Masoda MN,  Buloze  JM,  Kabwe  AM,  Mishika  PL,  Bondekwe  JCA,  Mukuku  O,  Mpoy  CW,  Ngwala  PL, Wembonyama SO, Tsongo ZK. Déterminants de l’utilisation de planification familiale chez les hommes mariés à Idjwi, en République Démocratique du Congo. Journal of Medicine, Public Health and Policy Research. 2022;2(1):1-9.


  • Philippe, L., Aliocha, N., Destin, L. Joél, M., Roger, M. and Pierre, F. (2022) Community-Based Pregnant Women Initiative to Support Emergency Obstetric Care in Kimpese Health Zone, Province of Kogo Central, the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 12, 499-
  • Nzaumvila D, Ntotolo P, Govender I, Lukanu P, Niati JDL, Sanduku D, et al. Knowledge and practices of seeking informed consent for medical examinations and procedures by health workers in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Afri Health Sci. 2021;21(1):478-88.
  • Natuhoyila, A.N., Nlombi, C.M., Kabangi, H.A.T., Lelo, G.M., Ngwala, P.L. and    Mbenza, B.L.    (2021) Discrimination of the Socio-Economic Impact of the Corona Virus Disease Pandemic in Kinshasa, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: A Population-Based Cross-Sectional Survey. Open Access Library Journal, 8: e7302.


  • Aliocha Natuhoyila Nkodila, Philippe Ngwala Lukanu, Charles Nlombi Mbendi,Pierre Marie Tebeu, Jesse Saint Antaon Saba, Hervé Alex Kabangi Tukadila, Blaise Muhala, Gilbert Lelo Mananga, Ingrid Cecile Djuikoue, Etienne Mokondjimabe,Hippolyte Situakibanza, Benjamin Mbenza Longo. Perception of the Congolese population on Covid-19 vaccination: cross-sectional survey of online population. Int J Vaccines Vaccination. 2021;6(1):12‒19.


  • Likwela, J.L., Ngwala, P.L., Ntumba, A.K. et al. Digitalized long-lasting insecticidal nets mass distribution campaign in the context of Covid-19 pandemic in Kongo Central, Democratic Republic of Congo: challenges and lessons learned. Malar J 21, 253 (2022).


  • Likwela, J.L., Kumbi,A.N., Kiamenga, M.L., Zena, M.L., Iris, D.M.,Mutuba, S.-P.K., Sompwe, E. M., Kanku-Ka-Lukusa, P., Ntumba, A.K., Yav, G.M., Baneti, D.G., Mbuku, E.T., Isingoma, C.N., Nsambu,M.N. and Ngwala, P.L. (2022) Mass Distribution Campaign of Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets in the Democratic Republic of Congo from 2018 to 2021 in the Context of the Emergence of COVID-19: Results and Lessons Learned. Journal of Biosciences and Medicines, 10, 136-159.


  • Mayala, A.M.M., Diama, D.N., Diama, A.A.M., Fina, J.P.L. and Lukanu, P.N. (2023) Prevalence of Coinfection Malaria-Covid-19 at the International Hospital Center of Kinshasa during the 3rd Wave of the Pandemic. Advances in Infectious Diseases, 13, 468-477.
  • Lumeya Vuvu Steven, Fina Lubaki JP, Lepira Bompaka Francois, Kaimbo WK, Ngoma Miezi Kintaudi Leon, Lukanu Ngwala Philippe. Fréquence et déterminants des complications oculaires du diabète sucre a l’Hôpital général de référence de Vanga, Province de Bandundu, RDC. RMGL vol 8 No 1, Mars 2017


  • Ntontolo PN, Lukanu PN, Ogunbanjo GA, Fina JPL, Kintaudi LNM. Knowledge of type 2 diabetic patients’ condition in Kimpese Hospital diabetic clinic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Afr J Prm Health Care Fam Med. 2017; 9(1), a1385.


  • Rita SL, Lubaki FJ-P, Bompaka OA, Ogunbanjo GA, Ngwala LP. Prevalence and determinants of psychological insulin resistance among type 2 diabetic patients in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. Afr J Prm Health Care Fam Med. 2019; 11(1), a1993.


  • Fina LJP, Lukanu NP, Shomba LR, Lepira BF, Ogunbanjo GA (2019) Beliefs about Insulin Treatment of Type 2 Diabetic Patients in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo. J Family Med Prim Care Open Acc 03: 130.


  • Blum J, Chaney M, Mudji J, Mfungwa JK, Rice T, Labhardt ND. Glycaemic control among patients with type 2 diabetes followed in a rural African primary care setting – A reality check in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Prim Care Diabetes. 2020 Apr;14(2):139-146. Epub 2019 Aug 24. PMID: 31455548.


  • Cedrick LM, Fina Lubaki J-P, Francois LB, Gboyega OA, Philippe LN. Prevalence and determinants of poor glycaemic control amongst patients with diabetes followed at Vanga Evangelical Hospital, the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Afr J Prm Health Care Fam Med. 2021;13(1), a2664.


  • Fina Lubaki JP, Omole OB, Francis JM. Glycaemic control among type 2 diabetes patients in sub-Saharan Africa from 2012 to 2022: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Diabetol Metab Syndr. 2022 Sep 20;14(1):134.


  • Fina Lubaki J-P, Omole OB, Francis JM (2022) Protocol: Developing a framework to improve glycaemic control among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo. PLoS ONE 17(9): e0268177. pone.0268177


  • Lubaki JF, Francis JM, Omole OB. Perspectives for glycaemic control in type 2 diabetes in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Health Promot Int. 2023 Oct 1;38(5):daad128.


  • Fina Lubaki JP, Omole OB, Francis JM. Poor glycaemic control: prevalence, factors and implications for the care of patients with type 2 diabetes in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo: a cross-sectional study. Front Clin Diabetes Healthc. 2023 Nov 20;4:1241882.


  • Fina Lubaki JP, Omole OB, Francis JM. Type 2 diabetes in the Democratic Republic of Congo: an urgent need for a management framework. Health Promot Int. 2023 Dec 1;38(6):daad139.


  • Lubaki JF, Omole OB, Francis JM. Consensus on potential interventions for improving glycaemic control among patients with type 2 diabetes in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo: a Delphi study. Glob Health Action. 2023 Dec 31;16(1):2247894.
  • Lukanu, N.P., Nton-tolo, N.P., Diakengua, V., Kalombo, C., Nyambu, Jr., Nlandu, Jr., Atungu, P., Nsian-gana, Z.S.  and Nkodila, A.  (2021) Epidemiology of Cancer in Rural Congo:  Case of IME Kimpese Hospital, Democratic Republic of Congo. Journal of Cancer Therapy, 12, 127-136.
  • Viv Maketa, Flory Luzolo, Hypolite Muhindo Mavoko, Yves Claeys, Felicien Munday, Robert Yemesi Benge, Willy Bongo Pasi, Darius Mankindu, Samuel Mampunza, Philippe Lukanu, Mateho Kasongo,  Edmond Ntabe Namegabe, Leopold Kambale Karafuli, Delphin Phanzu Mavinga, Emmanuel Milandu Massamba, César-Augustin Muaka Khoso, Raffaella Ravinetto. Boosting ethics review capacity in public health emergency situations: co-creation of a training model for French-speaking research ethics committees. Trop Med int Health. 2022.
  • Lukanu Ngwala Philippe, Musiti Ngolo Jean Robert, Nlandu Niati Jean Destin, Metamonika Adolphine, Matondo Luzunga Guy Roger, Situakibanza Hypolite, HIV-Exposed Children: Determinants of Early Diagnosis and Survival in the Kongo Central Province, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Central African Journal of Public Health. Vol. 7, No. 1, 2021, pp. 32-39.


  • Mapera E, Fina JP, Mabiala JB, Ngwala LP, Nzaumvila D. Clinico-epidemiological profile of children living with HIV/AIDS managed at Heal Africa Hospital, Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Afri Health Sci. 2022;22(4). 435-442.


  • Mudji J, Olarewaju V, Madinga B, Malala J, Kayeye A, Horsmans Y. HIV testing and knowledge on mother-to-child transmission among pregnant women attending antenatal care at Vanga Hospital, Democratic Republic of Congo. J Public Health Afr. 2023 May 24;14(8):1991.
  • Ngakieb, F.M., Natuhoyila, A.N., Bompeka, F.L., Bayauli, P., Lubenga, Y., Munsi, B.K., Bakali, J.S., Nsusu, T.N., Kamuanga, Z., Kolenziame, O.N., Ngwala, P.L., Kabangu, J.R.M. and Mbenza, B.L. (2021) Prevalence and Associated Factors of Hypertension among Adults living in the City of Bandundu, Republic Democratic Republic of the Congo: A Population-Based Cross-Sectional Study. Open Access Library Journal, 8, 1-14.
  • Giovanfrancesco Ferrari, Henry M. Ntuku, Christian Burri, Antoinette K. Tshefu, Stephan Duparc, Pierre Hugo4, Didier K. Mitembo, Amanda Ross, Philippe L. Ngwala, Joseph N. Luwawu, Papa N. Musafiri, Symphorien E. Ngoie8 and Christian Lengeler. An operational comparative study of quinine and artesunate for treating severe malaria in hospitals and health centers in the Democratic Republic of Congo: the MATIAS study. Malaria Journal (2015) 14:226


  • Mudji, J., Yaka, P.K., Olarewaju, V.O., & Lengeler, C. (2021). Prevalence and risk factors for malaria in pregnancy in Vanga, Democratic Republic of Congo. African journal of reproductive health, 25 5, 14-24 .


  • Joris Losimba Likwela, Joseph Kalonji Ciula, Albert Kalonji Ntumba, Adrien Nsiala Kumbi, Philippe Lukanu Ngwala. A roadmap for the digital management of long-lasting insecticide-treated mosquito nets (LLINs) distribution campaigns in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Pan African Medical Journal. 2023;44:195.


  • Likwela JL, Ciula JK, Ntumba AK, Kumbi AN, Ngwala PL. A roadmap for the digital management of long-lasting insecticide-treated mosquito nets (LLINs) distribution campaigns in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Pan Afr Med J. 2023 Apr 20;44:195.
  • Armand Mayala Ma Mayala, Philippe Lukanu Ngwala, Jean-Pierre Fina Lubaki.Diagnosis and management of urethral prolapse in a 6-year-old girl: a case report. Pan African Medical Journal. 2021; 39:284.
  • Kashala Badianyama Remy, Lukanu Ngwala Philippe, Lepira Bompeka François, Fina Lubaki Jean-Pierre, Prosper Mukobelwa Lutala. Cardiovascular Risk and Hypertensive Patients’ Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices on Modifiable Risk Factors in Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Journal of Family Medicine and Health Care. Vol. 7, No. 2, 2021, pp. 47-56.


  • Remy, K.B., Philippe, L.N., Francois, L.B., Jean-Pierre, F.L., & Lutala, P. (2021). Cardiovascular Risk and Hypertensive patients’ Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices on Modifiable Risk Factors in Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
  • Kirezi Kanobana, Nicolas Praet, Constantin Kabwe, Pierre Dorny UGent, Philippe Lukanu, Joule Madinga, Patrick Mitashi, Mirjam Verwijs, Pascal Lutumba and Katja Polman. (2011) High prevalence of Taenia solium cysticercosis in a village community of Bas-Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR PARASITOLOGY. 41(10). P.1015-1018


  • Joule Madinga, Kirezi Kanobana, Philippe Lukanu, Emmanuel Abatihb, Sylvain Baloji, Sylvie Linsuke, Nicolas Praet, Serge Kapinga, Katja Polman,Pascal Lutumba, Niko Speybroeck, Pierre Dorny, Wendy Harrisong, Sarah Gabriel. Geospatial and age-related patterns of Taenia solium taeniasis in the rural health zone of Kimpese, Democratic Republic of Congo. Acta Trop. (2016)
  • Lukanu Ngwala, Roger Lutabu Mahema, Charles Nzomono Nzuanda, Jean Pierre Fina Lubaki. Frequency and determinants of ocular trauma in the Kimpese Rural Health Zone, Kongo Central, Democratic Republic of Congo Fréquence et Déterminants des traumatismes oculaires dans la Zone de santé de Kimpese, Kongo Central, République démocratique du Congo. Ann. Afr. Med., vol. 13, n° 4, Sept 2020


  • Lumeya Vuvu Steven, Fina Lubaki Jean-Pierre, Lepira Bompaka François, Kaimbo WK, Ngoma Miezi Kintaudi Leon, Lukanu Ngwala Philippe. Fréquence et déterminants des complications oculaires du diabète sucré à l’Hôpital Général de Référence de Vanga, Province de Bandundu, RDC. Rév.Méd.Gd.Lacs. 2017;8(1) :43-50.
  • Mudji J, Malala J, Horsmans Y. Seroprevalence of viral hepatitis B and C in two populations: blood donors and patients with suspected hepatic cirrhosis in Kwilu province, Democratic Republic of Congo. Int J Infect Dis. 2021 Sep;110:222-225.
  • Muzembo BA, Ntontolo NP, Ngatu NR, Khatiwada J, Ngombe KL, Numbi OL, Nzaji KM, Maotela KJ, Ngoyi MJ, Suzuki T, Wada K, Ikeda S. Local perspectives on Ebola during its tenth outbreak in DR Congo: A nationwide qualitative study. PLoS One. 2020 Oct 22;15(10):e0241120.


  • Muzembo BA, Kitahara K, Ohno A, Ntontolo NP, Ngatu NR, Okamoto K, Miyoshi SI. Rapid diagnostic tests versus RT-PCR for Ebola virus infections: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Bull World Health Organ. 2022 Jul 1;100(7):447-458.


  • Muzembo BA, Ntontolo NP, Ngatu NR, Khatiwada J, Suzuki T, Wada K, Kitahara K, Ikeda S, Miyoshi SI. Misconceptions and Rumors about Ebola Virus Disease in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Systematic Review. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Apr 13;19(8):4714.
  • Mudji J, Benhamou J, Mwamba-Miaka E, Burri C, Blum J. The Flipside of Eradicating a Disease; Human African Trypanosomiasis in a Woman in Rural Democratic Republic of Congo: A Case Report. Trop Med Infect Dis. 2019 Dec 11;4(4):142.


  • Mudji J, Blum A, Grize L, Wampfler R, Ruf MT, Cnops L, Nickel B, Burri C, Blum J. Gambiense Human African Trypanosomiasis Sequelae after Treatment: A Follow-Up Study 12 Years after Treatment. Trop Med Infect Dis. 2020 Jan 11;5(1):10.


  • Mudji J, Künzli E, Molyneux D, Blum J. Long-term sequelae of congenital gambiense human African trypanosomiasis. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2021 Aug 2;115(8):932-936.


  • Kande Betu Ku Mesu V, Mutombo Kalonji W, Bardonneau C, Valverde Mordt O, Ngolo Tete D, Blesson S, Simon F, Delhomme S, Bernhard S, Mahenzi Mbembo H, Mpia Moke C, Lumeya Vuvu S, Mudji E’kitiak J, Akwaso Masa F, Mukendi Ilunga M, Mpoyi Muamba Nzambi D, Mayala Malu T, Kapongo Tshilumbwa S, Botalema Bolengi F, Nkieri Matsho M, Lumbala C, Scherrer B, Strub-Wourgaft N, Tarral A. Oral fexinidazole for stage 1 or early stage 2 African Trypanosoma brucei gambiense trypanosomiasis: a prospective, multicentre, open-label, cohort study. Lancet Glob Health. 2021 Jul;9(7):e999-e1008.


  • Kande Betu Kumesu V, Mutombo Kalonji W, Bardonneau C, Valverde Mordt O, Ngolo Tete D, Blesson S, Simon F, Delhomme S, Bernhard S, Nganzobo Ngima P, Mahenzi Mbembo H, Fina Lubaki JP, Lumeya Vuvu S, Kuziena Mindele W, Ilunga Wa Kyhi M, Mandula Mokenge G, Kaninda Badibabi L, Kasongo Bonama A, Kavunga Lukula P, Lumbala C, Scherrer B, Strub-Wourgaft N, Tarral A. Safety and efficacy of oral fexinidazole in children with gambiense human African trypanosomiasis: a multicentre, single-arm, open-label, phase 2-3 trial. Lancet Glob Health. 2022 Nov;10(11):e1665-e1674.


  • Junior Mudji, Nancy Ackam, Yaw Ampem Amoako, Blaise Madinga, Pépé Mumbere, Abigail Agbanyo, Johannes Blum, Richard Odame Phillips, David Hurst Molyneux, Mental distress and health-related quality of life in gambiense human African trypanosomiasis: a case–control study in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Volume 116, Issue 11, November 2022, Pages 1022–1031,
  • Ngonde A-CM, Fina J-PL, Burgueno E, Lukanu PN. Knowledge and practices of sickle cell disease among healthcare providers in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. Afr J Prm Health Care Fam Med. 2024;16(1), a3631.

Prevalence and determinants of psychological insulin resistance among type 2 diabetic patients in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo

Rita SL, Lubaki FJ-P, Bompaka OA, Ogunbanjo GA, Ngwala LP. Afr J Prm Health Care Fam Med. 2019; 11(1), a1993. phcfm.v11i1.1993

Beliefs about Insulin Treatment of Type 2 Diabetic Patients in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Fina LJP, Lukanu NP, Shomba LR, Lepira BF, Ogunbanjo GA (2019) J Family Med Prim Care Open Acc 03: 130. DOI: 10.29011/JFOA-130/10003

Determinants of Delay in First Prenatal Consultation at Hospital Environment in Kimpese Health Zone in Democratic Republic of Congo : Cross-sectional Study

Likongo Botawaosenge Ted, Nkodila Natuhoyila Aliocha, Lukanu Ngwala Philippe, Matondo Batumanitu Joel, Mbungu Mwimba Roger Journal of Health and Environmental Research. Vol. 6, No. 3, 2020, pp. 98-103. doi: 10.11648/j.jher.20200603.18

HIV-Exposed Children: Determinants of Early Diagnosis and Survival in the Kongo Central Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Lukanu Ngwala Philippe, Musiti Ngolo Jean Robert, Nlandu Niati Jean Destin, Metamonika Adolphine, Matondo Luzunga Guy Roger, Situakibanza Hypolite Central African Journal of Public Health. 7, No. 1, 2021, pp. 32-39. doi: 10.11648/j.cajph.20210701.14

Epidemiology of Cancer in Rural Congo: Case of IME Kimpese Hospital, Democratic Re-public of Congo

Lukanu, N.P., Nton-tolo, N.P., Diakengua, V., Kalombo, C., Nyambu, Jr., Nlandu, Jr., Atungu, P., Nsian-gana, Z.S. and Nkodila, A. (2021) Journal of Cancer Therapy, 12, 127-136.

Discrimination of the Socio-Economic Impact of the Corona Virus Disease Pandemic in Kinshasa, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Natuhoyila, A.N., Nlombi, C.M., Kabangi, H.A.T., Lelo, G.M., Ngwala, P.L. and Mbenza, B.L. (2021) A Population-Based Cross-Sectional Survey. Open Access Library Journal, 8 : e7302.

Déterminants de la non-observance au traitement antirétroviral chez l’adulte à Kinshasa

Benilde Bepouka Izizag, Hippolyte Situakibanza, Florian Kiazayawoko, Aliocha Nkodila, Eric Mafuta, Philippe Lukanu, Henry Mukumbi, Murielle Longokolo, Madone Mandina, Nadine Mayasi, Amede Kinuka, Evelyne Amaela, Willy Kazadi, Marcel Mbula Pan African Medical Journal. 2020;37(157). 10.11604/pamj.2020.37.157.13261

Frequency and determinants of ocular trauma in the Kimpese Rural Health Zone, Kongo Central, Democratic Republic of Congo

Lukanu Ngwala, Roger Lutabu Mahema, Charles Nzomono Nzuanda, Jean Pierre Fina Lubaki Afr. Med., vol. 13, n° 4, Sept 2020